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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [知りたい]

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Some officials may have been corrupted.
When it comes to baseball, I don't know much.
It may have rained during the night.
It may rain in the evening.
It may snow in the evening.
Do you know the old lady at the gate?
The point is that we don't know what is happening around us.
He cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue.
He wanted to know more about the trees, too.
It may rain tomorrow, but we are going in any case.
I don't know if it will rain tomorrow.
We want to know if it will be sunny tomorrow.
We may not win tomorrow.
Occasional showers are possible tomorrow.
I'm afraid it may rain tomorrow.
It may rain tomorrow.
It may rain tomorrow.
It may possibly be fine tomorrow.
Clearly, she knows a lot about biotechnology.
It is clear that he knows the answer.

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