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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [進めて]

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Closer examination revealed that the skull had been crushed by some heavy blow.
Using the rudder and the jib with the wind behind it we backed up, turning the bow to the direction we wanted to go.
The dragonfly was skimming across the water.
The dragonfly gracefully passed over the water.
I had expected stronger resistance from the enemy but if anything there are less of them as we advance to the centre... Don't you think that's strange?
I moved a chess piece on the board one forward.
As cultural exchange continued between the two countries, their mutual understanding became even deeper.
To apply further analysis to documents and files matching the keywords and find the hidden truth is "knowledge".
Proceeding from warm-up exercises to leg kick practice without a hitch, the lesson went completely smoothly.
Mitsuna is very tidy so she often cleans up without being asked.
The speed of the spread of AIDS is horrifyingly fast.
Argument continues about the "White collar exemption" that exempts specific white collar workers from the "8 hours in 1 day, 40 hours a week," working hours fixed by the Labour Standards Act.
His speech had more and more power as it went along.
It's ahead of schedule.
The arrow indicates the way to go.
The alarm clock is ten minutes fast.
We made good time until we ran into a blizzard.
The thing is, I don't really want to.
With his mother out of the way, Duke was able to proceed with his plan to embezzle the money from the company.
I am not insisting on it. If you don't like it, just don't take it.

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