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Stroke Order Diagram for 硬い

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i adjective

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Irregular Kanji

English Meaning(s) for 硬い

i adjective
  1. hard; solid; tough (esp. 固い and 堅い for wood, 硬い for metal and stone)
  2. stiff; tight; wooden; unpolished (e.g. writing)
  3. strong; firm (not viscous or easily moved)
  4. safe; steady; honest; steadfast
  5. obstinate; stubborn
  6. bookish; formal; stuffy

Definition and Synonyms for 硬い

Safe (of an undertaking) secure from risk
Synonyms: 事無し, 危なげない, 堅実, 大丈夫, 大丈夫, 安全, 安心, 安心, 無難, 硬い, 確か
Fast unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
Synonyms: まめ, 不抜, 忠実, 揺るぎ無い, 硬い
Rigid incapable of or resistant to bending
Synonyms: 強固, 硬い, 硬質
Stiff rigidly formal
Synonyms: しかつめらしい, 堅苦しい, 定格, 硬い, 窮屈
Formal (of spoken and written language) adhering to traditional standards of correctness and without casual, contracted, and colloquial forms
Synonyms: 堅苦しい, 硬い
Hard resisting weight or pressure
Synonyms: きつい, ごつい, ハード, カチカチ, , 堅し, , 硬い, 硬質
Firm not soft or yielding to pressure
Synonyms: 丈夫, 丈夫, 堅牢, 硬い, 頑丈
Hard produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum
Synonyms: こわい, 強い, 強いる, 硬い
Stiff not moving or operating freely
Synonyms: 硬い
Set fixed and unmoving
Synonyms: こわばる, 硬い
Perverse resistant to guidance or discipline
Synonyms: 一刻, 一徹, 利かぬ気, 固陋, 強情, 意固地, 意地っ張り, 意地張る, 片意地, 狷介, 硬い, 頑な, 頑固, 頑固一徹
Fast resistant to destruction or fading
Synonyms: 硬い
Steadfast marked by firm determination or resolution
Synonyms: こわい, 強い, 強いる, 強固, 揺るぎ無い, 硬い
Certainty the state of being certain
Synonyms: さだ, , 必然, 硬い, 硬さ, 確信, 確実度, 確実性
Solidity the consistency of a solid
Synonyms: 硬い, 硬さ, 硬質
Secureness the quality of being fixed in place as by some firm attachment
Synonyms: 不抜, 硬い, 硬さ
Secure free from danger or risk
Synonyms: セキュア, 大丈夫, 大丈夫, 安全, 安心, 安心, 安泰, 手堅い, 硬い, 確か
Sure physically secure or dependable
Synonyms: 定か, 硬い, 確か, 確実
Tight securely or solidly fixed in place
Synonyms: 硬い
Firm not subject to revision or change
Synonyms: しっかり, 手ごわい, 手堅い, 手強い, 揺るぎ無い, 硬い, 確か
Secure financially sound
Synonyms: セキュア, 堅実, 安全, 手堅い, 硬い, 確か
Stubborn tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
Synonyms: へんこ, カチカチ, ゴリゴリ, 一徹, 偏屈, 利かぬ気, 因業, 固陋, 強情, 強情っ張り, 情張り, 意固地, 意地っ張り, 意地張る, 片意地, 狷介, 硬い, 頑な, 頑固, 頑固一徹, 頑強, 頑迷, 頑迷固陋
Tough physically toughened
Synonyms: タフ, こわい, ごつい, ハード, 強い, 強いる, 強壮, 強硬, 強豪, 強靭, 手ごわい, 手強い, 硬い, 頑丈, 頑強
Reliable worthy of being depended on
Synonyms: ひた, まっすぐ, , 堅実, 堅気, 実らしい, 実体, 実体, 実直, 廉潔, 廉直, 律儀, 手堅い, 正しい, 正直, 清廉, 清潔, 潔癖, 物堅い, , , , , , , 真正直, 真率, 真直ぐ, 真面目, 真面目, 着実, 硬い, 確か, 篤実, 良心的, 誠実, 謹直, 貞実, 頼もしい
Unattackable immune to attack
Synonyms: こわい, しっかり, 堅固, 堅牢, 安全, 安泰, 強い, 強いる, 強固, 硬い, 頑丈, 頑強
Hard with firmness
Synonyms: ぎゅう, しかと, ひしと, シカト, きゅっと, ぎゅっと, しっかり, カチッと, 硬い
Stiffly in a rigid manner
Synonyms: ぎくぎく, ギクシャク, 硬い
Hardness a quality of water that contains dissolved mineral salts that prevent soap from lathering
Synonyms: 硬い, 硬さ
Fixedness the quality of being fixed and unchangeable
Synonyms: 硬い, 硬さ
Steadfast not shakable
Synonyms: こわい, 強い, 強いる, 強固, 揺るぎ無い, 硬い
Tight rigid
Synonyms: 硬い
Unattackable incapable of being tampered with
Synonyms: こわい, しっかり, 堅固, 堅牢, 安全, 安泰, 強い, 強いる, 強固, 硬い, 頑丈, 頑強

Meanings for each kanji in 硬い

» stiff; hard

Categories 硬い is a member of

Unchangeableness the quality of being unchangeable
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Consistence the property of holding together and retaining its shape
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Quality an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone
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Immovability not capable of being moved or rearranged
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State Of Mind the state of a person's cognitive processes
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 硬い

Conjugations for 硬い

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for 硬い

He made a firm resolution never to repeat it.
It's frozen hard.
He got a hard box after a week.
One of the qualities of steel is hardness.
I hard-boiled an egg.

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