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Stroke Order Diagram for 目新しくなくて

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i adjective

Matched Conjugations:

Negative te-form

English Meaning(s) for 目新しくなくて

i adjective
  1. original; novel; new
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the negative te-form form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for 目新しくなくて

Original being or productive of something fresh and unusual
Synonyms: オリジナル, 一風変わった, 個性的, 奇抜, 奇警, 斬新, 新奇, 独創的, 独特, 独自, 目新しい
Fresh original and of a kind not seen before
Synonyms: 事新しい, 斬新, 新た, 新しい, 新奇, 新鮮, 目新しい
Novelty originality by virtue of being refreshingly novel
Synonyms: 新味, 新奇, 新鮮味, 目新しい, 耳新しい
New not of long duration
Synonyms: うぶ, さら, 事新しい, , 初い, 初め, 斬新, , 新た, 新しい, 新奇, 新式, 新規, 新鮮, 清新, 目新しい, 真新しい, 耳新しい
New unfamiliar
Synonyms: さら, 事新しい, , 新た, 新しい, 新規, 新鮮, 目新しい, 真新しい, 耳新しい
New having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered
Synonyms: うぶ, さら, 事新しい, , 初い, 初め, 斬新, , 新た, 新しい, 新奇, 新式, 新規, 新鮮, 清新, 目新しい, 真新しい, 耳新しい
Original or being as first made or thought of
Synonyms: オリジナル, 一風変わった, 個性的, 奇抜, 奇警, 斬新, 新奇, 独創的, 独特, 独自, 目新しい

Meanings for each kanji in 目新しくなくて

» eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor
» new

Categories 目新しくなくて is a member of

Originality the quality of being new and original (not derived from something else)
Show all words in category »

Stroke Order Diagrams for 目新しくなくて

Conjugations for 目新しくなくて

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

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