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Stroke Order Diagram for 緩さ

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i adjective

Alternate Written Forms:


Matched Conjugations:

Nominalized Objective Form

English Meaning(s) for 緩さ

i adjective
  1. lukewarm; tepid (ぬくい is primarily used in Western Japan)
  2. lenient
  3. slow; stupid
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the nominalized objective form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for 緩さ

Tepidness a warmness resembling the temperature of the skin
Synonyms: ぬるい, 微温
Warm having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat
Synonyms: ぬるい, 暖か, 暖かい, , 温和, 温暖, 温順
Loose not tight
Synonyms: ぬるい, ぶかぶか, ゆるゆる, 寛緩, 緩い
Soft yielding readily to pressure or weight
Synonyms: やわ, ぬるい, ソフト, ちょろい, やりこい, マイルド, ふにゃふにゃ, , 柔い, 柔ら, 柔らか, 柔らかい, 滑らか, 緩い, 軟弱, 軟調
Tender given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality
Synonyms: ぬるい, ささやか, 優しい, 暖か, 暖かい, 細やか
Kind agreeable, conducive to comfort
Synonyms: ぬるい, にこやか, 和やか, 暖か, 暖かい, 温和
Lax emptying easily or excessively
Synonyms: ぬるい, ゆるゆる, 寛緩, 緩い
Cowardly lacking courage
Synonyms: ぬるい, だらしない, 不甲斐ない, 女々しい, 小心, 小胆, 弱気, 心弱い, 怯弱, 意気地のない, 柔弱, 臆病, 軟弱
Soft tolerant or lenient
Synonyms: うまい, ぬるい, 寛仁, 寛仁, 寛大, 寛容, 寛闊, 手ぬるい, 甘い, 緩い, 緩か, 緩やか
Lax lacking in rigor or strictness
Synonyms: ぬるい, ちょろい, しまらない, だらしない, 与太, 底抜け, 手ぬるい, 放漫, 無精, 粗略, 締まりのない, 緩い, 緩慢, 閉まる
Slack not tense or taut
Synonyms: ぬるい, ゆるゆる, 緩い, 緩む
Cowardly ignobly timid and faint-hearted
Synonyms: ぬるい, だらしない, 不甲斐ない, 女々しい, 小心, 小胆, 弱気, 心弱い, 怯弱, 意気地のない, 柔弱, 臆病, 軟弱
Loose not closely constrained or constricted or constricting
Synonyms: ぬるい, ぶかぶか, ゆるゆる, 寛緩, 緩い

Meanings for each kanji in 緩さ

» slacken; loosen; relax; lessen; be moderate; ease

Categories 緩さ is a member of

Warmness the quality of having a moderate degree of heat
Show all words in category »

Stroke Order Diagrams for 緩さ

Conjugations for 緩さ

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

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