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Stroke Order Diagram for 故郷

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Alternate Written Forms:


Root Words:

[() + きょう()]
ko + kyou

English Meaning(s) for 故郷

  1. home town; birthplace; native place; one's old home
  2. ruins; historic remains

Definition and Synonyms for 故郷

Birthplace the place where someone was born
Synonyms: ふるさと, 出所, 出生地, 出身地, 生む, 生まれ, 生まれる, 生国, 生地, 生地, 生所, 産地, 郷里

Meanings for each kanji in 故郷

» happenstance; especially; intentionally; reason; cause; circumstances; the late; therefore; consequently
» home town; village; native place; district

Categories 故郷 is a member of

Topographic Point a point located with respect to surface features of some region
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 故郷

Sample Sentences for 故郷

That song reminds me of my home.
Whoever travels will find that there's no place like home.
He left home never to return.
He had no notion of leaving his hometown.
Ozawa had been demobilized from overseas and had just arrived this night into his hometown, Osaka, but he had heard rumors on the train about bandits roaming in the postwar cities and suburbs.

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