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Definition and Synonyms for お化け
1. | 魑魅 | 頭から離れない経験の心的表象 |
Spook | a mental representation of some haunting experience | |
Synonyms: | ガイスト, ゴースト, 亡者, 亡霊, 亡魂, 亡き魂, お化け, 化け物, 妖怪, 妖異, 妖魔, 幻影, 幽霊, 幽鬼, 幽魂, 怪物, 悪霊, 死霊, 物の怪, 生き霊, 神, 霊, 霊, 魂, 魑魅, 魔物 | |
2. | 怨霊 | 幽霊のような人影の出現 |
Apparition | the appearance of a ghostlike figure | |
Synonyms: | 亡霊, 出現, お化け, 変化, 変化, 妖怪, 妖魔, 幻姿, 幽霊, 怨霊, 魔物 | |
3. | 魔もの | 想像上の生き物で、普通は人間や動物の様々な部位からできている |
Monster | an imaginary creature usually having various human and animal parts | |
Synonyms: | モンスター, お化け, 化け物, 化身, 妖怪, 妖異, 妖魔, 巨獣, 幽鬼, 怪物, 怪獣, 怪異, 醜, 鬼, 魑魅, 魔物 | |
4. | 変化 | 人間に悪さをする小さく不気味な超自然の生き物 |
Hob | a small grotesque supernatural creature that makes trouble for human beings | |
Synonyms: | お化け, 化生, 化生, 変化, 変化, 妖精, 魔物 | |
5. | 悪霊 | 死者の肉体から離れ、目に見える魂 |
Ghost | the visible disembodied soul of a dead person | |
Synonyms: | ゴースト, 亡霊, 亡魂, お化け, 化け物, 幽霊, 幽鬼, 悪霊, 死霊, 物の怪, 神, 霊, 霊, 魂 | |
6. | 異類異形 | 明らかに普通でない、あるいは不具である人あるいは動物 |
Monstrosity | a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed | |
Synonyms: | モンスター, お化け, 化け物, 変種, 変わり種, 奇形, 怪異, 異類異形 |
Meanings for each kanji in お化け
» | 化 | change; take the form of; influence; enchant; delude; -ization |
Categories お化け is a member of
1. | 幻影 | 知覚の中にしか存在しないもの |
Apparition | something existing in perception only | |
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2. | 表われ | 視界に入る出来事 |
Appearance | the event of coming into sight | |
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3. | 悪霊 | 害を及ぼしがちな霊 |
Evil Spirit | a spirit tending to cause harm | |
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4. | 突然変異体 | 染色体変化により生じる特性を持つ有機体 |
Mutation | an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration | |
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5. | 霊魂 | 人の非肉体的部分 |
Psyche | the immaterial part of a person | |
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6. | 想像の中の生き物 | |
Imaginary Creature | a creature of the imagination | |
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Sample Sentences for お化け
The first time I held my girlfriend's hand was in the haunted house.
Takashi said he wasn't afraid of ghosts, but when he heard some sounds from the supposedly empty second floor, he quickly scrambled away.
I don’t believe in ghosts. But I am scared of haunted houses.
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