Romaji Hide
Definition and Synonyms for アルバイト
1. |
労働 |
報酬をもらっている仕事 |
Employment |
the occupation for which you are paid |
Synonyms: |
バイト, バイト, バイト, アルバイト, 仕事, 働き口, 労働, 雇用 |
2. |
サラリーマン |
ある特定の職で働く人 |
Worker |
a person who works at a specific occupation |
Synonyms: |
ワーカー, アルバイト, サラリーマン, 働き手, 労働者, 勤労者, 就業者 |
Categories アルバイト is a member of
Sample Sentences for アルバイト
I think a part-time job is a good experience.
Working part-time at a supermarket, I found that some customers were polite whereas others weren't.
Many students are looking for part-time jobs.
My mother objected to my working part time.
I have to find a part-time job.
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I heard this on alot!