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Stroke Order Diagram for 期待

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noun, suru verb, no adjective

English Meaning(s) for 期待

noun, suru verb
  1. expectation; anticipation; hope
no adjective
  1. promising; rising; up-and-coming

Definition and Synonyms for 期待

Expectation anticipating with confidence of fulfillment
Synonyms: あて, 予想, 予期, 予測, , , 当てる, 心づもり, 思い, 思う, 思惑, 思惑, 期待, 目算, 見越し, 見越す, 見込み, 見込む
Expectancy an expectation
Synonyms: 待望, 心当て, 思惑, 思惑, 所期, 期待, 楽しみ, 楽しむ
Hope the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled
Synonyms: ホープ, 希望, 望み, 望む, 期待
Expect consider obligatory
Synonyms: 所期, 望む, 期す, 期す, 期する, 期待, 求める, 注文, 注文, 要望, 要求, 請う, 頼む, 願う
Anticipate be excited or anxious about
Synonyms: 仰望, 当て込む, 待ちかねる, 待ち受ける, 待望, 待ち望む, 待ち焦がれる, 待ち設ける, 想望, 所期, 望む, 期待, 翹望, 見込む
Hope be optimistic
Synonyms: 嘱する, 希う, 希望, 庶幾, 念じる, 念願, 思う, 望む, 期待, 祈る, 願う
Desire expect and wish
Synonyms: 希望, 希求, 志望, 志願, 念じる, 念願, 所望, 望む, 期待, 欲する, 欲求, 願う, 願望
Promise grounds for feeling hopeful about the future
Synonyms: あて, 光明, 希望, 当てる, , 望み, 望む, 期待, , 見込み, 見込む
Expectancy something expected (as on the basis of a norm)
Synonyms: 予想, 予期, 予測, 所期, 期待, 見込み, 見込む
Expect request and expect
Synonyms: 所期, 望む, 期す, 期す, 期する, 期待, 求める, 注文, 注文, 要望, 要求, 請う, 頼む, 願う
Hope be full of hope
Synonyms: 嘱する, 希う, 希望, 庶幾, 念じる, 念願, 思う, 望む, 期待, 祈る, 願う
Hope have hopes
Synonyms: 嘱する, 希う, 希望, 庶幾, 念じる, 念願, 思う, 望む, 期待, 祈る, 願う

Meanings for each kanji in 期待

» period; time; date; term
» wait; depend on

Categories 期待 is a member of

Feeling the experiencing of affective and emotional states
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Wait look forward to the probable occurrence of
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Demand request urgently and forcefully
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Wish hope for
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Desire feel or have a desire for
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Expectation belief about (or mental picture of) the future
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Expectation the feeling that something is about to happen
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Hopefulness full of hope
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 期待

Sample Sentences for 期待

Your work comes short of the expected standard.
It never occurred to me that he might fail his friend.
Don't rely on his help.
The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we WILL get there.
Beth was looking forward to meeting him, but he never showed up.

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