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Stroke Order Diagram for よろしい

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i adjective

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English Meaning(s) for よろしい

i adjective
  1. good; OK; all right; fine; very well; will do; may; can

Definition and Synonyms for よろしい

Alright an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence
Synonyms: よろしい
Good promoting or enhancing well-being
Synonyms: いい, いい, ぐう, グー, グッド, よろしい, 好ましい, 有意義, 有益, 良い
Well wise or advantageous and hence advisable
Synonyms: いい, いい, よろしい, 思わしい, 良い
Convenient suited to your comfort or purpose or needs
Synonyms: うまい, よろしい, 便, 便, 便利, 便宜, 利便, 好都合, 思わしい, 有利, 簡便, , 調法, 軽便, 重宝
Good having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified
Synonyms: いい, いい, ぐう, グー, うまい, グッド, よろしい, ハラショー, 好ましい, 思わしい, 立派, 良い, 良好, 良質
Good morally admirable
Synonyms: いい, いい, グッド, よろしい, 立派, 良い
Serious appealing to the mind
Synonyms: いい, いい, ぐう, グー, よしみ, グッド, よろしい, , 立派, 良い, 良好, 良質
Right most suitable or right for a particular purpose
Synonyms: いい, いい, よろしい, 似つかわしい, 似合わしい, 良い, 適当
Proper marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
Synonyms: よろしい, 似つかわしい, 似合わしい, 剴切, 妥当, 正しい, 相応, 適す, 適した, 適する, 適切, 適当, 適正
Correct socially right or correct
Synonyms: いい, いい, よろしい, 正しい, 良い, 適切, 適当, 適正
Right in conformance with justice or law or morality
Synonyms: いい, いい, よろしい, 公正, 正しい, 良い, 適切, 適当, 適正
Upright of moral excellence
Synonyms: いい, いい, まとも, よろしい, 公明正大, 廉潔, 廉直, 正しい, 清廉, 清潔, 潔い, 良い
O.K. being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition
Synonyms: いい, いい, よろしい, 大丈夫, 大丈夫, 好ましい, ご機嫌, 良い, 良好
Well in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury
Synonyms: いい, いい, よろしい, 丈夫, 丈夫, 健やか, 健全, 健康, 壮健, 好調, 思わしい, 良い, 良好, 達者
Well to a suitable or appropriate extent or degree
Synonyms: いい, よく, うまい, うまく, よろしい, よろしく, 好く, 良い, 首尾よく
Satisfactory giving satisfaction
Synonyms: よろしい, 優良, 10分, 十分, 思わしい, 満足, 結構, 良い, 良好

Stroke Order Diagrams for よろしい

Conjugations for よろしい

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for よろしい

Can I buy it on easy payment?
You can go if you want to.
Is it convenient for you if I come at 6 p.m.?
Might I ask your name?
You may take any picture you like.

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