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Definition and Synonyms for 叫ぶ
1. | 一声 | 動物特有の発声 |
Cry | the characteristic utterance of an animal | |
Synonyms: | 一声, 人声, 叫び, 叫ぶ, 叫喚, 叫び声, 号泣, 喚声, 鳴き声 | |
2. | 悲鳴 | 感情を大声で発声すること(特に興奮して言葉にならないとき) |
Cry | a loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate) | |
Synonyms: | 叫び, 叫ぶ, 叫喚, 叫び声, 喚声, わめき声, 悲鳴, 泣き声, 絶叫 | |
3. | 悲鳴 | 鋭くつき刺すような叫び |
Screeching | sharp piercing cry | |
Synonyms: | 叫び, 叫ぶ, 叫び声, 悲鳴, 絶叫, 金切り声 | |
4. | 叫ぶ | やかましい要求をする |
Clamor | make loud demands | |
Synonyms: | 叫ぶ | |
5. | わめく | 大声で発声する |
Call Out | utter aloud | |
Synonyms: | わめく, 叫ぶ, 叫喚, 呼ばわる, 怒鳴る, 絶叫 | |
6. | 号ぶ | 大声で話す |
Shout | utter in a loud voice | |
Synonyms: | 叫ぶ | |
7. | 喚き叫ぶ | 非常に大きい声で話すか、宣言する |
Yell | utter or declare in a very loud voice | |
Synonyms: | がなる, わめく, うそぶく, 叫ぶ, 叫喚, 吠える, 呼ばわる, 咆哮, 喚呼, 喚き立てる, 大喝, 張り上げる, 怒鳴る, 振り立てる, 疾呼, がなり立てる, 絶叫 | |
8. | 悲鳴 | 突然、大きい泣き声を発する |
Hollo | utter a sudden loud cry | |
Synonyms: | うめく, わめく, うそぶく, 叫ぶ, 叫喚, 号泣, 呼ぶ, 呼ばわる, 咆哮, 啼泣, 喚呼, 喚き立てる, 大呼, 怒鳴る, 悲鳴, 泣き叫ぶ, 泣き喚く, 泣き立てる | |
9. | 叫く | しつこく騒がしく言う、または公言する |
Clamor | utter or proclaim insistently and noisily | |
Synonyms: | わめく, 叫ぶ, 騒ぐ | |
10. | わめく | 喚き立てる |
Holler Out | shout out | |
Synonyms: | わめく, 叫ぶ | |
11. | 叫泣き | けたたましい発言 |
Cry | a loud utterance | |
Synonyms: | エール, エール, エール, 叫び, 叫ぶ, 叫喚, 叫び声, 号泣, 咆哮, 喚呼, 喚声, わめき声, 大呼, 大喝, 怒号, 悲鳴, 絶叫, 金切り声 | |
12. | わめく | しばしば、驚き、恐怖また喜びで |
Call Out | often with surprise, horror, or joy | |
Synonyms: | わめく, 叫ぶ, 叫喚, 呼ばわる, 怒鳴る, 絶叫 | |
13. | 叫泣き | しばしば抗議か反対で |
Cry | often in protest or opposition | |
Synonyms: | エール, エール, エール, 叫び, 叫ぶ, 叫喚, 叫び声, 号泣, 咆哮, 喚呼, 喚声, わめき声, 大呼, 大喝, 怒号, 悲鳴, 絶叫, 金切り声 | |
14. | 号ぶ | 大きな声で話す(通常、特徴的な話し方を示して) |
Shout | talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking) | |
Synonyms: | 叫ぶ |
Meanings for each kanji in 叫ぶ
» | 叫 | shout; exclaim; yell |
Categories 叫ぶ is a member of
1. | 談じ込む | 緊急に、そして、力強く要請する |
Demand | request urgently and forcefully | |
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2. | 号ぶ | 大声で話す |
Shout | utter in a loud voice | |
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3. | おっしゃる | はっきり言う |
Utter | articulate | |
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4. | 発語 | スピーチで表す |
Speak | express in speech | |
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5. | 発語 | 聞こえるように表現する |
Utter | express audibly | |
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6. | 発話 | 聴覚コミュニケーションのために発せられた音声の使用 |
Utterance | the use of uttered sounds for auditory communication | |
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7. | 叫泣き | けたたましい発言 |
Cry | a loud utterance | |
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8. | 音声 | 耳に聞こえる突然の出来事 |
Sound | the sudden occurrence of an audible event | |
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Conjugations for 叫ぶ
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 叫ぶ
As they walk up and down the rows they shout, "Get your hot dogs here! Get your hot dogs!"
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