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Definition and Synonyms for 検察
1. | 詮索 | よく知らない、疑問が残る活動について調査すること |
Investigation | an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities | |
Synonyms: | リサーチ, 勘査, 勘検, 取り調べ, 取り調べる, 吟味, 審査, 捜査, 捜索, 探り, 探る, 探索, 査問, 査定, 査察, 検分, 検察, 検討, 究明, 考査, 考証, 詮索, 調, 調べ, 調べる, 調査, 踏査, 追及, 追求, 追究 | |
2. | 検察 | 国家の側に立ち、被告人に対する申し立てを行う法律家たち |
Prosecution | the lawyers acting for the state to put the case against the defendant | |
Synonyms: | 検察 | |
3. | 検事 | 国を代表して刑事訴追を行う政府高官 |
Prosecuting Attorney | a government official who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state | |
Synonyms: | 副検事, 検事, 検察, 検察官 |
Meanings for each kanji in 検察
» | 検 | examination; investigate |
» | 察 | guess; presume; surmise; judge; understand |
Categories 検察 is a member of
1. | 調査 | 知識を得るための調査 |
Research | a search for knowledge | |
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2. | 集団 | ひとまとまりにされた、またはひとつのまとまったもの全体とみなされるいくつかの物 |
Collection | several things grouped together or considered as a whole | |
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3. | 代言人 | 弁護士の権限を与えられた専門家 |
Lawyer | a professional person authorized to practice law | |
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4. | 吏員 | 任務を持つ、あるいは任務により権限を与えられた勤労者 |
Official | a worker who holds or is invested with an office | |
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Sample Sentences for 検察
The prosecution condemned the defendant for kidnapping a child.
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