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Stroke Order Diagram for 賛成

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noun, suru verb, no adjective

English Meaning(s) for 賛成

noun, suru verb, no adjective
  1. approval; agreement; support; favour; favor

Definition and Synonyms for 賛成

Favourable Reception acceptance as satisfactory
Synonyms: したためる, 准許, 可決, 同意, 嘉賞, 容認, 承認, 是認, 決裁, 裁可, 裁許, 許可, 認め, 認める, 賛同, 賛成
Assent to agree or express agreement
Synonyms: 承知, 承諾, 聞き入る, 聞き入れる, 諾する, 賛成
Hold be in accord
Synonyms: 同じる, 同ずる, 同意, 賛する, 賛同, 賛成
Agree consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something
Synonyms: うける, 了解, 同じる, 同ずる, 同意, 承引, 承服, 然諾, 諒する, 賛する, 賛同, 賛成, 首肯
O.K. give sanction to
Synonyms: 同じる, 同ずる, 同意, 容認, 差し許す, 承認, 是認, 聞き入る, 聞き入れる, 聞き届ける, 聴許, 裁可, 裁許, 許す, 許可, 認可, 認許, 諒する, 賛する, 賛成
Defend argue or speak in defense of
Synonyms: かばう, つかえる, 味方, 幇助, 後押し, 後援, 応護, 扶助, 扶持, 擁護, 支う, 支える, 支持, 支援, 補助, 賛成
Approving the formal act of approving
Synonyms: 承認, 是認, 賛同, 賛成
Back give support or one's approval to
Synonyms: したためる, 承認, 推す, 支持, 是認, 点頭, 認める, 賛成
Commendation a message expressing a favorable opinion
Synonyms: したためる, 准許, 受付, 可決, 同意, 嘉賞, 容認, 承認, 是認, 決裁, 表彰, 裁可, 裁許, 許可, 認め, 認める, 賛同, 賛成, 賞賛
Agreement the verbal act of agreeing
Synonyms: アグリーメント, 一致, 協商, 協定, 協定書, 協定案, 協約, 取り決め, 取り決める, 合意, 合点, 合致, 同意, 同感, 契約, 承允, 承引, 承知, 承知の幕, 承認, 承諾, 申し合わせ, 申し合わせる, 約定, 約束, 納得, 規約, 調和, 議定, 賛成
Assent agreement with a statement or proposal to do something
Synonyms: 合点, 同意, 賛同, 賛成, 首肯
Indorsement a speech seconding a motion
Synonyms: 賛同, 賛成
Favor a feeling of favorable regard
Synonyms: 好意, 賛成
Concord the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations
Synonyms: アグリーメント, 一致, 協商, 協定, 協定書, 協定案, 協約, 取り決め, 取り決める, 合意, 合点, 合致, 同感, 契約, 承允, 承引, 承知の幕, 承認, 申し合わせ, 申し合わせる, 約定, 約束, 納得, 規約, 調和, 議定, 賛成
Hold be in agreement
Synonyms: 同じる, 同ずる, 同意, 賛する, 賛同, 賛成

Meanings for each kanji in 賛成

» approve; praise; title or inscription on picture; assist; agree with
» turn into; become; get; grow; elapse; reach

Categories 賛成 is a member of

Agree consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something
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Argue present reasons and arguments
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Consent give an affirmative reply to
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Authorize grant authorization or clearance for
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Support aiding the cause or policy or interests of
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Back Up give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to
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Substance what a communication that is about something is about
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Agreement the verbal act of agreeing
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Approval a feeling of liking something or someone good
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Acceptance the state of being acceptable and accepted
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Speech Act the use of language to perform some act
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Grammatical Relation a linguistic relation established by grammar
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 賛成

Sample Sentences for 賛成

I judged from what he said that he did not agree with me.
While I see what you say, I can't agree with you.
Everybody agrees with you.
Who do you agree with, Mr. Burns or Mr. Roland?
I agree with you to a certain extent.

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