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Stroke Order Diagram for 占領

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 占領

noun, suru verb
  1. occupying; having (an area) all to oneself
  2. military occupation; possession; capture; seizure

Definition and Synonyms for 占領

Capture the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
Synonyms: 乗っ取り, 乗っ取る, 分捕り, 分捕る, 則る, 占拠, 占領, 奪取, 差し押さえ, 差し押さえる, 強奪, 押収, 拿捕, 没収, 鹵獲
Occupation any activity that occupies a person's attention
Synonyms: 仕事, 占領
Capture the act of taking of a person by force
Synonyms: 占領, 拿捕, 捕獲, 攻略, 逮捕
Occupy march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation
Synonyms: 侵す, 侵入, 侵寇, 侵攻, 侵犯, 侵略, 占拠, 占領, 攻め入る, 攻め込む, 討ち入る
Military Control the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
Synonyms: 占拠, 占有, 占領, 進駐
Appropriate take possession of by force, as after an invasion
Synonyms: 乗っ取る, 乗り取る, 則る, 占拠, 占領, 征服, 攻略
Concern be on the mind of
Synonyms: 占領, 心労, 心痛, 心配, 思いやる, 恐る, 恐れる, 憂慮, 懸念, 物案じ, 病む
Occupation the period of time during which a place or position or nation is occupied
Synonyms: 占領

Meanings for each kanji in 占領

» fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take
» fief; jurisdiction; dominion; territory; reign

Categories 占領 is a member of

Acquiring the act of acquiring something
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Activity any specific behavior
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Felony a serious crime (such as murder or arson)
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Assail launch an attack or assault on
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Social Control control exerted (actively or passively) by group action
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Usurp seize and take control without authority and possibly with force
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Period an amount of time
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 占領

Sample Sentences for 占領

Tourists take over this island in the summer.
The armed forces occupied the entire territory.
The proud Trojan city was taken at last.
This desk takes up too much room.
The city was taken by the English in 1664.

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