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Definition and Synonyms for 占領
1. | だ捕 | 財産の所有者から強制的に財産を取り上げる行為 |
Capture | the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property | |
Synonyms: | 乗っ取り, 乗っ取る, 分捕り, 分捕る, 則る, 占拠, 占領, 奪取, 差し押さえ, 差し押さえる, 強奪, 押収, 拿捕, 没収, 鹵獲 | |
2. | 仕事 | 人の注意を引いているあらゆる活動 |
Occupation | any activity that occupies a person's attention | |
Synonyms: | 仕事, 占領 | |
3. | 逮捕 | 力づくで人を捕らえる行為 |
Capture | the act of taking of a person by force | |
Synonyms: | 占領, 拿捕, 捕獲, 攻略, 逮捕 | |
4. | 攻め込む | 征服と占領のために軍事力により他の領域に積極的に行進する |
Occupy | march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation | |
Synonyms: | 侵す, 侵入, 侵寇, 侵攻, 侵犯, 侵略, 占拠, 占領, 攻め入る, 攻め込む, 討ち入る | |
5. | 進駐 | 外国の軍事力による国のコントロール |
Military Control | the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power | |
Synonyms: | 占拠, 占有, 占領, 進駐 | |
6. | 攻略 | 侵略の後などに、力づくで所有物を取る |
Appropriate | take possession of by force, as after an invasion | |
Synonyms: | 乗っ取る, 乗り取る, 則る, 占拠, 占領, 征服, 攻略 | |
7. | 思いやる | を気にかける |
Concern | be on the mind of | |
Synonyms: | 占領, 心労, 心痛, 心配, 思いやる, 恐る, 恐れる, 憂慮, 懸念, 物案じ, 病む | |
8. | 占領 | 場所、地位または国が占領されている期間 |
Occupation | the period of time during which a place or position or nation is occupied | |
Synonyms: | 占領 |
Meanings for each kanji in 占領
» | 占 | fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take |
» | 領 | fief; jurisdiction; dominion; territory; reign |
Categories 占領 is a member of
1. | 取得 | 何かを得る行為 |
Acquiring | the act of acquiring something | |
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2. | アクティビティー | 特定の行動 |
Activity | any specific behavior | |
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3. | 重罪 | 重大な犯罪(殺人や放火などの) |
Felony | a serious crime (such as murder or arson) | |
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4. | 攻撃 | 攻撃または襲撃をする |
Assail | launch an attack or assault on | |
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5. | 社会統制 | グループ行動によって(積極的、または受動的に)行使されるコントロール |
Social Control | control exerted (actively or passively) by group action | |
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6. | 分捕る | 権限や場合によっては権力なしで、取得するまたは支配する |
Usurp | seize and take control without authority and possibly with force | |
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7. | ピリオド | 時間の量 |
Period | an amount of time | |
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Sample Sentences for 占領
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