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Stroke Order Diagram for キックオフ

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English Meaning(s) for キックオフ

  1. kickoff

Definition and Synonyms for キックオフ

Kickoff a kick from the center of the field to start a football game or to resume it after a score
Synonyms: キックオフ
Start-Off a start given to contestants
Synonyms: キックオフ
Beginning the time at which something is supposed to begin
Synonyms: のっけ, はじめ, とっつき, ぶっつけ, ぶつける, スタート, しょっぱな, キックオフ, すべり出し, 出だし, 出鼻, 出っ鼻, 初め, 初める, 初っ切り, 初口, 劈頭, 取っ付く, 取り付く, 取り付け, 口切り, 始まり, 始まる, 始める, 幕開き, 幕開け, 当初, 最初, 滑り出す, 発足, 開始, 開幕, 開闢

Categories キックオフ is a member of

Place Kick a kick in which the ball is placed on the ground before kicking
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Beginning the act of starting something
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Start the beginning of anything
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Point an instant of time
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Stroke Order Diagrams for キックオフ

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