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Definition and Synonyms for 痛む
1. | 損なう | 問題や痛みを与える |
Hurt | give trouble or pain to | |
Synonyms: | 害する, 損じる, 損なう, 損ねる, 病める, 痛む, 痛める | |
2. | 損なう | 痛みを感じるか、痛みのある |
Hurt | feel pain or be in pain | |
Synonyms: | 損なう, 病める, 痛む, 痛める, 苦しむ | |
3. | 損なう | 損害を引き起こす、マイナスの影響を与える |
Hurt | cause damage or affect negatively | |
Synonyms: | 傷つく, 傷つける, 害す, 害する, 損じる, 損なう, 損ねる, 損傷, 毀損, 毒する, 病める, 痛む, 痛める | |
4. | 苦しがる | 身体的な痛みを感じる |
Hurt | feel physical pain | |
Synonyms: | うずく, ヒリつく, ヒリヒリ, 痛む, 苦しむ, 苦しがる | |
5. | ぴりぴり | 痛みの源である |
Hurt | be the source of pain | |
Synonyms: | うずく, ヒリつく, ヒリヒリ, ピリピリ, 痛む, 苦しむ | |
6. | 痛み | 過度の陰気さと無快活さの性質 |
Gloominess | the quality of excessive mournfulness and uncheerfulness | |
Synonyms: | 哀情, 悲しみ, 悲しむ, 悲哀, 痛み, 痛む | |
7. | 痛み | 激しい苦痛に対する体性感覚 |
Painful Sensation | a somatic sensation of acute discomfort | |
Synonyms: | 疼痛, 痛み, 痛む, 痛覚, 苦痛 | |
8. | 哀惜 | 大きな不幸を引き起こすもの |
Sorrow | something that causes great unhappiness | |
Synonyms: | 不祝儀, 傷心, 哀傷, 哀哭, 哀惜, 嘆き, 嘆く, 嘆息, 悲しみ, 悲しむ, 悲哀, 悲嘆, 愁傷, 憂い事, 憂愁, 憂戚, 憂き目, 痛み, 痛む | |
9. | 痛み | 被害や損失 |
Detriment | a damage or loss | |
Synonyms: | 損害, 痛み, 痛む | |
10. | 損なう | 損害を与える |
Damage | inflict damage upon | |
Synonyms: | 傷つく, 傷つける, 害する, 損じる, 損なう, 損傷, 損壊, 損害, 毀傷, 毀損, 痛む, 痛める, 破損 | |
11. | 苦しみ | 感情的な苦悩 |
Painfulness | emotional distress | |
Synonyms: | つらい, つらさ, づらい, 憂苦, 痛み, 痛む, 痛苦, 苦, 苦い, 苦しい, 苦しさ, 苦しみ, 苦しむ, 苦悩, 苦痛, 辛い | |
12. | 艱苦 | 精神的または肉体的な苦痛 |
Suffering | feelings of mental or physical pain | |
Synonyms: | つらい, つらさ, づらい, 四苦八苦, 困難, 悩み, 悩む, 疾苦, 痛み, 痛む, 艱苦, 苦, 苦い, 苦しみ, 苦しむ, 苦患, 苦悩, 苦痛, 苦衷, 辛い, 辛酸 | |
13. | 痛み | 強く悲しみに沈むこと |
Woe | intense mournfulness | |
Synonyms: | 悲哀, 痛み, 痛む | |
14. | 哀惜 | 悲しいこと |
Sorrowfulness | the state of being sad | |
Synonyms: | 不祝儀, 傷心, 哀傷, 哀情, 哀惜, 嘆き, 嘆く, 悲しみ, 悲しむ, 悲哀, 悲嘆, 愁傷, 憂い事, 憂き目, 痛み, 痛む | |
15. | 苦しみ | 肉体的な傷か疾患の症状 |
Pain | a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder | |
Synonyms: | 疼痛, 痛み, 痛む, 痛苦, 苦しい, 苦しさ, 苦しみ, 苦しむ, 苦痛 | |
16. | 痛み | 鈍い持続的な(通常適度に激しい)痛み |
Aching | a dull persistent (usually moderately intense) pain | |
Synonyms: | 痛み, 痛む | |
17. | 痛み | 感じられる苦痛(エリアに触れる時) |
Tenderness | a pain that is felt (as when the area is touched) | |
Synonyms: | 痛み, 痛む | |
18. | 饐える | 消費または使用には不適当になる |
Go Bad | become unfit for consumption or use | |
Synonyms: | くさる, すえる, 痛む, 腐れる, 腐敗 | |
19. | 苦しみ | 人が避けようとする根本的な感情 |
Painfulness | a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid | |
Synonyms: | つらい, つらさ, づらい, 憂苦, 痛み, 痛む, 痛苦, 苦, 苦い, 苦しい, 苦しさ, 苦しみ, 苦しむ, 苦悩, 苦痛, 辛い |
Meanings for each kanji in 痛む
» | 痛 | pain; hurt; damage; bruise |
Categories 痛む is a member of
1. | 心緒 | 感動の、感情的な状態を経験すること |
Feeling | the experiencing of affective and emotional states | |
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2. | 苦しめる | 気分が悪いと感じている理由 |
Indispose | cause to feel unwell | |
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3. | 損なう | 損害を与える |
Damage | inflict damage upon | |
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4. | 見取る | 感覚を通じて気が付くようになる |
Perceive | to become aware of through the senses | |
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5. | ではある | 存在の品質がある |
Be | have the quality of being | |
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6. | 不機嫌 | 元気づけるまたは良い気分の役に立たない |
Uncheerfulness | not conducive to cheer or good spirits | |
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7. | 体性感覚 | 触覚器、固有受容体を通した本能的な知覚 |
Somatesthesia | the perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations | |
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8. | 害悪 | 悪い方へ変化する出来事 |
Harm | the occurrence of a change for the worse | |
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9. | 苦しみ | 感情的な苦悩 |
Painfulness | emotional distress | |
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10. | 不予 | 少しの不満から深い悲痛までの情緒によって特徴づけられる状態 |
Unhappiness | state characterized by emotions ranging from mild discontentment to deep grief | |
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11. | 症候 | 患者により経験され、特定の疾患に関連する身体の機能における感覚または変化 |
Symptom | any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease | |
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12. | 苦しみ | 肉体的な傷か疾患の症状 |
Pain | a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder | |
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13. | 望ましくない結果を伴う刺激 | |
Negative Stimulus | a stimulus with undesirable consequences | |
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14. | 認識できる特性がある | |
Cause To Be Perceived | have perceptible qualities | |
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15. | 暗澹たる悲しみの状態 | |
Mournfulness | a state of gloomy sorrow | |
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16. | 入換える | 変化させる |
Modify | cause to change | |
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17. | 朽ちる | 腐敗または分解を経る |
Decay | undergo decay or decomposition | |
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Conjugations for 痛む
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 痛む
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