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Stroke Order Diagram for ゴタゴタ

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noun, suru verb, adverb taking the to particle, adverb

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English Meaning(s) for ゴタゴタ

noun, suru verb, adverb taking the to particle
  1. trouble; difficulties; dispute; quarrel; discord; dissension
noun, adverb, adverb taking the to particle, suru verb
  1. confusion; disorder; mess; muddle

Definition and Synonyms for ゴタゴタ

Chaotically in a manner suggestive of chaos
Synonyms: ゴタゴタ
Chaotically in a wild and confused manner
Synonyms: ゴタゴタ
Trouble an effort that is inconvenient
Synonyms: いざこざ, うるさい, もやくや, ゴタゴタ, トラブル, 不都合, 厄介, 厄介事, 困り者, 困難, 妨害, 患う, 悶着, 手数, お手数, 揉め事, 支障, 故障, 波乱, 災い, 災害, 煩い, 煩わしい, 煩労, 煩雑, , , 紛争, 紛擾, ご苦労, 迷惑, ご迷惑, 障害, 障害物, 面倒, 面倒い, 風波
Maze something jumbled or confused
Synonyms: もつれ, もつれる, ゴタゴタ, 混乱, 紛糾
Bother an angry disturbance
Synonyms: もむ, もめる, いざこざ, もやくや, ゴタゴタ, トラブル, つづらふじ, 悶着, 揉め, 揉め事, 波乱, 紛争, 紛擾, 葛藤, 風波, 騒ぎ, 騒ぐ, 騒動
Confusion a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused
Synonyms: めちゃ, ゴタゴタ, 乱脈, 乱雑, , 取り込み, 取り込む, 困惑, 当惑, 混乱, 混同, 混沌, 混迷, 無秩序, 狂い, 狂う, 狼狽, 狼藉, 猥雑, 紛糾, 雑駁
Topsy-Turvydom a state of extreme confusion and disorder
Synonyms: カオス, ゴタゴタ, めちゃくちゃ, めちゃめちゃ, 大混乱, 混乱状態, 混沌, 無秩序
Mess informal terms for a difficult situation
Synonyms: もつれ, ごたつく, どさくさ, もつれる, ゴタゴタ
Mare'S Nest a confused multitude of things
Synonyms: まぜこぜ, ゴタゴタ, 散乱, 混乱, 混乱状態

Categories ゴタゴタ is a member of

Effort use of physical or mental energy
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Perplexity trouble or confusion resulting from complexity
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Perturbation activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption
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Embarrassment the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public
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Confusion disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably
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Difficulty a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome
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Disorderliness a condition in which things are not in their expected places
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Stroke Order Diagrams for ゴタゴタ

Sample Sentences for ゴタゴタ

His remark gave rise to trouble.

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