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Stroke Order Diagram for 批難

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noun, suru verb, na adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 批難

noun, suru verb, na adjective
  1. criticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach

Definition and Synonyms for 批難

Disapproval a feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing
Synonyms: 不同意, 不承, 不承知, 不承認, 不服, 不満, 不許可, 不賛成, 異存, 難色, 非難
Denunciation a public act of denouncing
Synonyms: 弾劾, 糾弾, 非難
Reprobate reject (documents) as invalid
Synonyms: 拒否, 非難
Knock find fault with
Synonyms: そしる, こき下ろす, 咎める, 咎め立て, 批判, 批評, 論難, 非難
Denounce speak out against
Synonyms: こき下ろす, 指弾, 糾弾, 難じる, 非難
Blame put or pin the blame on
Synonyms: 咎める, 誹議, 責める, 難詰, 非難
Blame harass with constant criticism
Synonyms: なじる, ほじくり出す, 咎める, 問責, 弾劾, 指弾, 糾弾, とやかく言う, 誹議, 責める, 難詰, 非難
Round attack in speech or writing
Synonyms: はたく, 叩く, 指弾, 難ずる, 非難, 駁する, 駁撃
Objurgate express strong disapproval of
Synonyms: 咎める, 責める, 非難
Attack strong criticism
Synonyms: そしる, 弁難, 指弾, 攻撃, 糾弾, 論詰, 論難, 難じる, 非難
Condemn appropriate (property) for public use
Synonyms: 非難
Animadversion harsh criticism or disapproval
Synonyms: そしり, そしる, 咎め, 咎める, 問責, 弁難, 批判, 攻撃, 糾弾, 誹議, 論難, 酷評, 間然, 難詰, 非難
Fire intense adverse criticism
Synonyms: 攻撃, 非難
Reproach a mild rebuke or criticism
Synonyms: 叱責, 咎め, 咎める, 譴責, 非難
Blame a reproach for some lapse or misdeed
Synonyms: そしり, そしる, 咎め, 咎める, 問責, 指弾, 糾弾, 誹議, 責め, 責める, 難詰, 非難
Knock express criticism of
Synonyms: そしる, こき下ろす, 咎める, 咎め立て, 批判, 批評, 論難, 非難
Knock point out real or perceived flaws
Synonyms: そしる, こき下ろす, 咎める, 咎め立て, 批判, 批評, 論難, 非難

Meanings for each kanji in 批難

» criticism; strike
» difficult; impossible; trouble; accident; defect

Categories 批難 is a member of

Reject refuse to accept or acknowledge
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Knock find fault with
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Denounce speak out against
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Charge blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against
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Comment make or write a comment on
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Attach take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
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Criticism disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings
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Reproval an act or expression of criticism and censure
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Reproach a mild rebuke or criticism
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Dislike a feeling of aversion or antipathy
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Condemnation an expression of strong disapproval
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Speech Act the use of language to perform some act
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 批難

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