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Stroke Order Diagram for 不審

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na adjective, noun

English Meaning(s) for 不審

na adjective, noun
  1. incomplete understanding; doubt; question; distrust; suspicion; strangeness; infidelity

Definition and Synonyms for 不審

Dubious fraught with uncertainty or doubt
Synonyms: うろん, いかがわしい, おぼつかない, 不審, 怪しい, 怪しげ, 疑わしい, 訝しい
Questionably in a questionable and dubious manner
Synonyms: 不審
Questionable subject to question
Synonyms: うろん, いかがわしい, 不審, 怪しい, 疑わしい
Dubious open to doubt or suspicion
Synonyms: うろん, いかがわしい, 不審, 不明朗, 怪しい, 怪しげ, 疑わしい, 訝しい
Funny not as expected
Synonyms: うろん, いかがわしい, 不審, , , 怪しい, 怪しげ, 生臭い, 疑わしい, 胡散臭い, きな臭い, 訝しい
Uncertainty being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance
Synonyms: 不安心, 不定, 不審, 不明, 不明瞭, 不正確, 不確実, 半信半疑, 危ない, 心もとない, 怪しい, 怪訝, 懐疑, 疑い, 疑う, 疑り, 疑る, 疑わしい, 疑念, 疑惑, 頼りない

Meanings for each kanji in 不審

» negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy
» hearing; judge; trial

Categories 不審 is a member of

Quality an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 不審

Sample Sentences for 不審

If you see a suspicious person, please inform the police.
If you see a suspicious person, please inform the police.
You were acting suspicious, so they had you under surveillance.
A policeman was gazing at a suspicious pedestrian.

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