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Definition and Synonyms for 害する
1. | 損なう | 問題や痛みを与える |
Hurt | give trouble or pain to | |
Synonyms: | 害する, 損じる, 損なう, 損ねる, 病める, 痛む, 痛める | |
2. | 損なう | 怪我または身体傷害を引き起こす |
Wound | cause injuries or bodily harm to | |
Synonyms: | 傷つく, 傷つける, 傷害, 危める, 害す, 害する, 損なう | |
3. | 損なう | 傷害を引き起こす、あるいは傷害する |
Harm | cause or do harm to | |
Synonyms: | 傷つく, 傷つける, 害する, 損じる, 損なう, 毒する | |
4. | 損なう | 損害を与える |
Damage | inflict damage upon | |
Synonyms: | 傷つく, 傷つける, 害する, 損じる, 損なう, 損傷, 損壊, 損害, 毀傷, 毀損, 痛む, 痛める, 破損 | |
5. | 損なう | 損害を引き起こす、マイナスの影響を与える |
Hurt | cause damage or affect negatively | |
Synonyms: | 傷つく, 傷つける, 害す, 害する, 損じる, 損なう, 損ねる, 損傷, 毀損, 毒する, 病める, 痛む, 痛める | |
6. | 差障る | 不利益な状態にする |
Hinder | put at a disadvantage | |
Synonyms: | 妨げる, 妨害, 害す, 害する, 差し支える, 差し障る, 拒む, 邪魔, お邪魔, 邪魔立て, 阻む, 阻害, 阻止 | |
7. | 損なう | 気持ちを傷つける |
Hurt | hurt the feelings of | |
Synonyms: | 傷つく, 傷つける, 害す, 害する, 損じる, 損なう, 損ねる | |
8. | 害す | 障害または障害である |
Hinder | be a hindrance or obstacle to | |
Synonyms: | 妨げる, 妨害, 害す, 害する, 邪魔, 邪魔立て, 阻む, 阻害 | |
9. | 害す | 故意にそして計画的に殺す |
Hit | kill intentionally and with premeditation | |
Synonyms: | ばらす, 危める, 叩き殺す, 害す, 害する, 損なう, ぶち殺す, 殺す, 殺害, 討ち果す |
Meanings for each kanji in 害する
» | 害 | harm; injury |
Categories 害する is a member of
1. | 損なう | 問題や痛みを与える |
Hurt | give trouble or pain to | |
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2. | 苦しめる | 気分が悪いと感じている理由 |
Indispose | cause to feel unwell | |
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3. | 損なう | 怪我または身体傷害を引き起こす |
Wound | cause injuries or bodily harm to | |
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4. | 入換える | 変化させる |
Modify | cause to change | |
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5. | 損なう | 損害を与える |
Damage | inflict damage upon | |
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6. | 打ち留める | 死なせる |
Kill | cause to die | |
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7. | 掻き立てる | (情緒、感情と反応を)引き起こす |
Kindle | call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) | |
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8. | 押しとどめる | (誰かがまたは何かが)何かすることをまたはある状態を止めさせる |
Keep | stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state | |
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9. | 不利 | 不利な状態にする |
Disfavour | put at a disadvantage | |
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Conjugations for 害する
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 害する
She didn't mean to offend anyone with her remark.
He became a brilliant scholar but only at the expense of his health.
Unless you keep early hours, you will injure your health.
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