Romaji Hide
Definition and Synonyms for 糠
1. |
虚しい |
非生産的な成功 |
Fruitless |
unproductive of success |
Synonyms: |
ただ, だめ, いたずら, いたずら, はかない, 不毛, 徒, 徒, 徒, 徒, 徒爾, 無益, 無駄, 糠, 虚しい |
2. |
糠 |
穀粒の殻で作った食物 |
Bran |
food prepared from the husks of cereal grains |
Synonyms: |
糠 |
3. |
米糠 |
ふるい分けによって殻粉から分離された、穀類の種子の壊れた外皮 |
Bran |
broken husks of the seeds of cereal grains that are separated from the flour by sifting |
Synonyms: |
ふすま, 米糠, 糠 |
Meanings for each kanji in 糠
Categories 糠 is a member of
1. |
粗飼料 |
栄養分が少ない、粗く消化しにくい植物性食物 |
Roughage |
coarse, indigestible plant food low in nutrients |
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2. |
籾糠 |
種子から離された種子の包皮、葉または茎の小さな断片で成る物質 |
Shuck |
material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds |
Show all words in category » |
Sample Sentences for 糠
Forget it. There's no sense giving him advice.
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