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Conjugations for 易しい

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i adjective

Alternate Written Forms:


English Meaning(s) for 易しい

i adjective
  1. easy; plain; simple

Definition and Synonyms for 易しい

Easy obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally
Synonyms: やすい, やさしい, 簡単
Dear with affection
Synonyms: やさしい
Soft compassionate and kind
Synonyms: やさしい, 優しい
Easy posing no difficulty
Synonyms: やすい, たやすい, ちょろい, やさしい, わけない, イージー, たわいない, たわいもない, 単簡, お安い, 安易, 安直, 容易, 平易, 手軽, , , 楽チン, 生易しい, 簡便, 簡単, 簡易, 軽い, 軽易, 造作ない
Uncomplicated easy and not involved or complicated
Synonyms: やすい, ちょろい, やさしい, シンプル, わかりやすい, 単簡, 単純, 平たい, 平明, 平易, 簡単, 簡易, 軽易
Plain free from any effort to soften to disguise
Synonyms: やさしい, あからさま, ありのまま, 単純, 明白, 簡単
Easy requiring little effort
Synonyms: やすい, たやすい, ちょろい, やさしい, わけない, イージー, たわいない, たわいもない, 単簡, お安い, 安易, 安直, 容易, 平易, 手軽, , , 楽チン, 生易しい, 簡便, 簡単, 簡易, 軽い, 軽易, 造作ない
Soft conciliatory
Synonyms: やさしい, 優しい

Meanings for each kanji in 易しい

» easy; ready to; simple; fortune-telling; divination

Stroke Order Diagrams for 易しい

Conjugations for 易しい

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for 易しい

The problems are easier than those I did yesterday.
It's easier to make plans than to carry them out.
Is it easy for me to solve this problem?
At first sight, the question seemed easy.
Explain it in plain words.

Comments for 易しい

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(やさ)()() (easy) is commonly written with hiragana only, while (やさ)()() (kind) is commonly written with the Kanji.

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#3 Posted by flint over 1 year ago

Dear editor,

やさしい is Hiragana for both 
優しい and 易しい

What is the reason that do you use "優しい " for the key word but "やさしい" as key word instead of "易しい"
and remark the latter one as "Alternate Written Forms" in your online dictionary?

By the way, where can I change my personal data such as email address and password 

Thank and regards,

[email protected]

#2 Posted by wanija over 1 year ago

I enjoyed the conjugation part

#1 Posted by chisalewise over 2 years ago

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