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Conjugations for 縮小

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noun, suru verb, no adjective

English Meaning(s) for 縮小

noun, suru verb, no adjective
  1. reduction; curtailment

Definition and Synonyms for 縮小

Decrease a process of becoming smaller or shorter
Synonyms: 低減, 減少, 縮小
Reduction the act of reducing complexity
Synonyms: リダクション, 低減, 値下げ, 切り詰め, 切り詰める, 削減, 引き下げ, 引き下げる, 減反, 減少, 短縮, 節減, 簡素化, 縮小, 還元
Scale Down make smaller
Synonyms: はつる, 切り下げる, 切り詰める, 削る, 引き下げる, 梳る, 減らす, 狭める, 縮む, 縮める, 縮小
Shrink reduce in size
Synonyms: 縮む, 縮める, 縮小
Diminution change toward something smaller or lower
Synonyms: 下がり, 下がる, 下坂, 下り坂, 下落, 下降, 低下, 低落, 損減, 減少, 漸減, 縮小, 落ち込み, 落ち込む
Fall Off diminish in size or intensity
Synonyms: 減ずる, 減退, 縮小
Dwindle Down become smaller or lose substance
Synonyms: すぼむ, つぼむ, 先細り, 先細る, 減る, 減じる, 減ずる, 減少, 漸減, 縮む, 縮小
Cut the act of reducing the amount or number
Synonyms: カット, 低減, 削減, 引き下げ, 引き下げる, 減少, 減額, 縮小
Trim Down cut down on
Synonyms: そぐ, はつる, つづめる, 低減, 切削, 削る, 削減, 減じる, 減ずる, 減らす, 減少, 減損, 減殺, 減額, 短縮, 節する, 節倹, 節減, 節約, 約する, 縮小, 縮減, 軽減
Minify make smaller
Synonyms: 低減, 減じる, 減ずる, 減らす, 減少, 減損, 減殺, 累減, 縮小
Shrink reduce physically
Synonyms: 縮む, 縮める, 縮小
Trim Down make a reduction in
Synonyms: そぐ, はつる, つづめる, 低減, 切削, 削る, 削減, 減じる, 減ずる, 減らす, 減少, 減損, 減殺, 減額, 短縮, 節する, 節倹, 節減, 節約, 約する, 縮小, 縮減, 軽減

Meanings for each kanji in 縮小

» shrink; contract; shrivel; wrinkle; reduce
» little; small

Categories 縮小 is a member of

Process a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states
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Modify cause to change
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Lessen decrease in size, extent, or range
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Change the action of changing something
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Shrink reduce in size
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Decrease the act of decreasing or reducing something
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Vanish get lost, as without warning or explanation
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Minify make smaller
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Decrease a process of becoming smaller or shorter
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 縮小

Sample Sentences for 縮小

Metal contracts when cooled.
The shrinking of the domestic market has been blamed on inflation.
I'm going to make reduced copies.
You should advocate disarmament.
The factory had to cut back its production.

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