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Japanese - English Dictionary - Words in Vanish [掻消えるの言葉]

Vanish [掻消える]

get lost, as without warning or explanation
godan verb, intransitive verb

English Meanings:

godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to change (with the passage of time)
  2. to fade; to wane; to decline
ichidan verb, intransitive verb

English Meanings:

ichidan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to lose strength; to become weak; to disappear (of energy, drive, etc.)
  2. to wither; to droop; to wilt
  3. to feel demotivated; to lose interest; to become disappointed
noun, suru verb

English Meanings:

noun, suru verb
  1. passing on to the next life
  2. death
  3. giving up a struggle; submission
  4. being at one's wits' end; being flummoxed
  1. coercion
noun, suru verb

English Meanings:

noun, suru verb
  1. decline; ebb; failure; decay; decrease; loss
godan verb, irregular nu verb, intransitive verb

English Meanings:

godan verb, irregular nu verb, intransitive verb
  1. to die; to pass away
  2. to lose spirit; to lose vigor; to look dead
  3. to cease; to stop
ichidan verb, intransitive verb

Alternate Written Forms:


English Meanings:

ichidan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to breathe one's last; to pass away; to die; to expire
ichidan verb, intransitive verb

English Meanings:

ichidan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to disappear; to vanish; to fade away
  2. to go; to leave
  3. to die
noun, suru verb, no adjective

English Meanings:

noun, suru verb, no adjective
  1. reduction; curtailment
ichidan verb, intransitive verb

English Meanings:

ichidan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to go out; to vanish; to disappear
ichidan verb, intransitive verb

English Meanings:

ichidan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to become weak; to decline; to wear; to abate; to decay; to wither; to waste away
ichidan verb, intransitive verb

Alternate Written Forms:


English Meanings:

ichidan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to die out; to peter out; to become extinct
  2. to cease; to be stopped; to be discontinued; to be cut off
noun, suru verb

English Meanings:

noun, suru verb
  1. extinction; extermination
  2. eradication; stamping out; wiping out
suru verb (special class)

English Meanings:

suru verb (special class)
  1. to die; to pass away
noun, suru verb

English Meanings:

noun, suru verb
  1. abolition; elimination
  2. extinction; discontinuation
godan verb, intransitive verb

English Meanings:

godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to become thin; to fade; to grow pale
ichidan verb, intransitive verb

English Meanings:

ichidan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to fade; to become dim
godan verb, intransitive verb

English Meanings:

godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to die
godan verb, intransitive verb

Alternate Written Forms:


English Meanings:

godan verb, intransitive verb
  1. to be lost (e.g. luggage); to be missing
  2. to be used up; to be run out; to be exhausted; to be consumed; to be reduced to zero; to not occur any more
  3. to disappear (e.g. pain); to be lost (e.g. a dream, confidence)
noun, suru verb

English Meanings:

noun, suru verb
  1. downfall; ruin; collapse; destruction
noun, suru verb

Alternate Written Forms:


English Meanings:

noun, suru verb
  1. falling dead; perishing; dying

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