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Definition and Synonyms for うらめ
1. | 怨む | 悔恨を感じる |
Repent | feel remorse for | |
Synonyms: | うらむ, 後悔, 思い残す, 恨む, 悔いる, 悔やむ, 悔しがる, 悔恨, 惜しむ, 惜しがる, 残念に思う, 無念がる | |
2. | 辛辣 | 深くにがにがしい怒りと敵意 |
Gall | a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will | |
Synonyms: | うらむ, 仇, 怨嗟, 怨恨, 恨み, 恨む, 憎む, 憎しみ, 憤り, 憤る, 憤る, 憤怒, 憤慨, 憤懣, 敵, 激憤, 辛辣, 遺恨, 鬱憤 | |
3. | 遺恨 | 報復を正当化するほど強い憤り |
Grudge | a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation | |
Synonyms: | うらむ, 思い, 思う, 怨念, 怨恨, 怨讐, 恨み, 恨む, 意趣遺恨, 私怨, 遺恨, 鬱憤 | |
4. | 賊心 | 他者が苦しむのを見る必要性を感じること |
Venom | feeling a need to see others suffer | |
Synonyms: | うらむ, 害心, 害意, 思い, 思う, 怨念, 恨み, 恨む, 悪げ, 悪念, 悪意, 悪気, 悪気, 意地悪, 意地悪い, 意趣, 意趣遺恨, 毒気, 犯意, 賊心, 遺恨, 邪悪, 邪気, 醜悪 | |
5. | 怨む | 遺憾に感じる |
Repent | feel sorry for | |
Synonyms: | うらむ, 後悔, 思い残す, 恨む, 悔いる, 悔やむ, 悔しがる, 悔恨, 惜しむ, 惜しがる, 残念に思う, 無念がる | |
6. | 怨む | 罪悪感を感じる悔恨する |
Repent | be contrite about | |
Synonyms: | うらむ, 後悔, 思い残す, 恨む, 悔いる, 悔やむ, 悔しがる, 悔恨, 惜しむ, 惜しがる, 残念に思う, 無念がる |
Categories うらめ is a member of
1. | 憶える | 感情的な気持ちを経験する、または特定の心理状態になる |
Experience | undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind | |
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2. | 反感 | 敵意を持つ人の気持ち |
Ill Will | the feeling of a hostile person | |
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3. | 辛辣 | 深くにがにがしい怒りと敵意 |
Gall | a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will | |
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4. | 意地悪さ | 他人の不幸を願うこと |
Malevolence | wishing evil to others | |
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Conjugations for うらめ
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
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