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Definition and Synonyms for 期日
1. | 日づけ | ある出来事が起こった特定の日、月、または年(通常、グレゴリオ暦による) |
Date | the particular day, month, or year (usually according to the Gregorian calendar) that an event occurred | |
Synonyms: | デート, 年代, 年月, 年月日, 日, 日, 日, 日々, 日付, 日取り, 日日, 日時, 時日, 月日, 月日, 期日, 開催日 | |
2. | 〆切日 | 期限内にの何かを完成させなければならない時点 |
Deadline | the point in time at which something must be completed | |
Synonyms: | デッドライン, 提出期限, 期日, 期限, 締め切り, 締め切る, 締め切り日, 縛り, 縛る |
Categories 期日 is a member of
1. | 暦日 | 深夜から深夜までの1日 |
Civil Day | a day reckoned from midnight to midnight | |
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2. | 時点 | 非常に短い時 |
Point | an instant of time | |
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3. | 暦年 | グレゴリオ暦による1年(1月1日から12月31日まで) |
Calendar Year | the year (reckoned from January 1 to December 31) according to Gregorian calendar | |
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4. | 暦月 | 暦年を12に分けた中の1つ |
Month | one of the twelve divisions of the calendar year | |
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Sample Sentences for 期日
Tom had a good reason for not paying his rent on time.
Tom had a good reason for not having his homework done on time.
We need to make inquiries about the date of the examination.
May we therefore ask you for a two months' extension of credit?
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