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Entry Details for 迹

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English Meaning(s) for 迹

  1. trace; tracks; mark; sign
  2. site; remains; ruins
  3. scar (esp. 痕)

Definition and Synonyms for 迹

Scar a mark left (usually on the skin) by the healing of injured tissue
Synonyms: 傷跡, 創痕, 古傷, 残痕, , 瘢痕, ,
Scrape an indication of damage
Synonyms: かする, こする, さする, なする, かすれる, , かき傷, 傷口, 傷跡, 切り傷, 刷る, 創痍, 創痕, 古傷, 引きつり, 引きつる, 引っつれる, 引っ攣り, 微傷, 掠り, 擦る, 擦れ, 擦れる, 擦れる, 擦り傷, 擦痕, 擦過傷, 残痕, 浅手, 爪痕, 爪跡, , 痕跡, 瘢痕,
Footmark a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface
Synonyms: 人跡, 足跡, ,
Vestige an indication that something has been present
Synonyms: 事跡, 形跡, 残痕, 痕跡, 証跡, , , 跡形
Trace a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle
Synonyms: トレース, シュプール, 形跡, 痕跡, , , 跡形
Path a line or route along which something travels or moves
Synonyms: コース, ルート, ルート, ルート, 水路, 経絡, 経路, , , , 路線, 軌跡, 軌道, 通路, 通い路, 通り道, 進路, , , 道筋
Imprint a device produced by pressure on a surface
Synonyms: ,
Spoor the trail left by a person or an animal
Synonyms: ,
Trail a track or mark left by something that has passed
Synonyms: 痕跡, 航跡, 足跡, ,
Spoor what the hunter follows in pursuing game
Synonyms: ,

Meanings for each kanji in 迹

» mark; print; impression

Categories 迹 is a member of

Device an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose
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Blemish a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body)
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Indication something that serves to indicate or suggest
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Print a visible indication made on a surface
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Line a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent
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Path a line or route along which something travels or moves
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Trail a track or mark left by something that has passed
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Symptom any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 迹

Sample Sentences for 迹

How many days are there before Christmas?
What seems easy at first often turns out to be difficult.
What seems easy at first often turns out to be difficult.
Your plan to buy another PC is out of the question.
Marry first and love will follow.

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