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Definition and Synonyms for おいしくて
1. | おいしい | 味覚が良い |
Tasty | pleasing to the sense of taste | |
Synonyms: | おいしい | |
2. | 美味しい | 性質または外観が快活な、愉快な、あるいは感じのよい |
Nice | pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance | |
Synonyms: | いい, いい, きれい, ナイス, おいしい, かわいい, 好ましい, 心地よい, 快い, 素敵, 良い, 麗しい | |
3. | 美味しさ | 過度に食欲をそそること |
Deliciousness | extreme appetizingness | |
Synonyms: | おいしい | |
4. | 美味しさ | 好ましい嗜好 |
Pleasingness | pleasant palatability | |
Synonyms: | おいしい |
Categories おいしくて is a member of
1. | 食欲を刺激する特性 | |
Appetizingness | the property of stimulating the appetite | |
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2. | 好ましい味を持っている特性 | |
Palatability | the property of being acceptable to the mouth | |
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Conjugations for おいしくて
Plain Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Nominalized Form
Sample Sentences for おいしくて
These potato chips are good enough to make you want more.
Comments for おいしくて
If you have any questions about this entry, or would like to write a sample sentence using the vocabulary, please do so below. Your comment will appear in the forum for other users of the site to view and discuss.
The word is "美味しい", that's all, thanks.
#2 Posted by Nightmare09 over 11 years ago
I want to report that the Kanji & Hiragana for this word are switched, they're situated in the wrong place.
#1 Posted by Nightmare09 over 11 years ago
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