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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [みたら]

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She held on to my hand tightly.
She watched the children swimming in the pool.
She watched the children going back to school.
She was so curious that she opened the box.
She tried to swim.
She tried to investigate the truth about the rumor.
She'll try it once more.
She is a pretty girl to look at.
She looked in her bag for the key of the house, but could not find it.
She had the care of many older people.
She was pleased to see the results.
She looked in at the show window.
She cared for the children out of charity.
She looked me angrily in the face.
She wanted him to take care of her parents.
I guessed at her age.
Her success encouraged me to try the same thing.
What do you say to asking her to come and help us?
Why not ring her up now?
Why don't you drop her a line?

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