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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["いなかった"]

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The train wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be.
It was a pleasant day, but there were few people in the park.
There were hardly any teachers at the school that students could talk to.
There were few people on the beach.
Few people attended the meeting.
Only a few people showed up on time for the meeting.
We were not prepared for the assault.
The landlord told him to leave because he hadn't paid his rent.
There wasn't anybody in the house.
Nobody else offered to help.
Not being watchful, the driver failed to stop in time.
It was obvious that the driver had not been careful enough.
We had not gone so far when it started to rain.
Few were at the seaside because it was raining.
At one time, people would not have hesitated to light up a cigarette in stations, restaurants, or hospital waiting rooms.
No one ever knew the true story except the three of us.
I didn't want his help, but I had to accept it.
This was before John was put in prison.
He was not at home, as is often the case with him.
John was not at home, as is often the case with him.

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