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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["いなかった"]

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The child had no overcoat on although it was very cold.
The child had no overcoat on although it was very cold.
The child had no overcoat on although it was very cold.
It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.
It should be noted that Dole did not intend to change the configuration of the communication protocol.
Even with a generous estimate, there were at most only 2,000 people.
I knocked on the door, but nobody answered.
There was little sugar left in the pot.
None were listening to the speaker.
Nobody was listening to the speech.
No one encouraged her.
Nobody was paying attention to her.
No one ran ahead of him.
It so happened that they were not there.
No weather was severe enough to keep him indoors.
Only one little daughter did they have.
She was the last person I expected to see in such a place.
I hadn't bargained on such a heavy traffic jam.
There was no one but wept to hear the story.
There are very few passengers in the train.

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