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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["いなかった"]

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Henry was not at home, as is often the case with him.
But that he was idle, he would have succeeded.
If you had not followed the doctor's advice then, you might be ill now.
There was no one in the room besides Mary and John.
The decision was still in the air.
I still haven't thanked you for the other day. I really appreciate it.
You are the last person I expected to see here.
Nobody could have guessed, in those days, the place in history that Martin Luther King, Jr. was to have.
There was a small audience in the hall.
There was only one other person on the platform.
There were not more than one hundred passengers on board the ferry.
At most, there were only 100 passengers on the ferry.
Bill did not commit the crime.
Evidence that Harrison did not intend this work to be a parody can be seen in his letter to Mrs. Evans.
There was not a long queue at the bus stop.
There were no more than five passengers in the bus.
The bus arrived empty.
Tom never used to smoke, but he does now.
Tom loved Mary, who didn't love him at all.
When Tom lost his wallet, he was out of luck.

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