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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [出来ましょう]

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There's no way I could do something like that in front of people.
The lighting was set up to have the intensity controlled by one knob so you could produce the brightness as you want.
It's hard to live with the knowledge that you are a failure.
I'm afraid I can't do that. Leaving the cooker while frying is completely out of the question.
Well the son of that shop's family, seems it's come about that he's to have a shot-gun wedding with a local girl.
Yes, thanks. Recently I've been roughing it so I was able to get a proper sleep for the first time in a while.
The surface of a planet is composed mostly of water.
For example, chameleons can change the color of their skin and blend with the trees and leaves around them.
You can hardly expect me to help you.
You cannot do without a good dictionary.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
The flu prevented him from playing golf.
Land and water make up the earth's surface.
The storm prevented us from arriving on time.
I was hardly prepared.
Dinner is ready.
Are you ready for dinner?
Dinner is ready.
His wealth enables him to do anything.
You can not mix oil and water.

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