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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [家]

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While we were out for a picnic, our house's lock was picked by a thief.
It's not immoral for a novelist to tell lies. In fact, the bigger the lies, the better lies, and the more the common folks and critics will praise you.
Walking back from his house, I frantically searched through my memory.
In one's reading, great writers of the past must be given the most attention.
You must give great writers of the past the most attention in your reading.
In one's reading, great writers of the past must be given the most attention.
You must give great writers of the past the most attention in your reading.
The furniture in this office is really modern.
When I said that work had got busy so could we split the housework my husband pulled a face.
This is the house where I was born.
He's at home right now.
When a strong earthquake struck suddenly, my mom just walked around the house in shock.
Where is his house?
Where is her house?
This is his house.
A house that keeps out rain and dew and is impervious to heat and cold is a wonderful thing.
This house belongs to Mr Yamada.
I want to go home.
He must be homesick.
I've got to get the house in order, so I'm busy now.

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