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They don't even know why.
The siren sounded an emergency.
Is it any of your business what someone's hobby is?
I think there are probably few Japanese who know this side of the Emperor Meiji, the side that left a song like this.
I'd rather not have those written by people who only know their work imperfectly.
I'm afraid of discord arising with my husband so I'm turning a blind eye to his mistress.
Please don't let him know the real name of his illness.
But that's only natural because you don't know their ways yet.
Precognition is the act of using spiritual-power to know things that will occur in the future.
I've heard of pseudomyopia, but I never thought my own child would come to have it.
This might not have anything to do with the problem at hand.
What's different from Japan is that the doctors of Singapore generally all know each other.
It mightn't have been my youngest brother's fault, but it wasn't mine either.
Coincidentally enough, I know him.
Well then, does everybody know the anime called Mai Hime?
However, the survivors are unaware of that fact.
You know about 'ra-skipped words'? It looks like quite a lot of students are using mistaken words.
You could at least try to be a bit more polite, even though it's not like you.
What you don't see and hear with your own ears and eyes might be true, but it might also not be true.
It is strange that a cameraman heading for a war-zone should not know about the danger of unexploded shells. The newspaper company is being negligent in its training.

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