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Stroke Order Diagram for あたり前

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no adjective, na adjective, noun

Alternate Written Forms:


Root Words:

[()··り + まえ()]
atari + mae

English Meaning(s) for あたり前

no adjective, na adjective, noun
  1. natural; reasonable; obvious
  2. usual; common; ordinary; commonplace; the norm

Definition and Synonyms for あたり前

Natural functioning or occurring in a normal way
Synonyms: 当たり前, 自然, 自然
Ordinary not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree
Synonyms: おおよそ, ありきたり, 世間並み, 世間的, 並大抵, 人並み, 何の変哲もない, , 凡俗, 凡常, 凡庸, 十人並, 尋常, 尋常一様, 常識的, 平俗, 平凡, 当たり前, 普通, 通俗
Ordinary the expected or commonplace condition or situation
Synonyms: ありきたり, 一般, 一通, 一通り, , 並々, 人並み, 凡常, 平々, 平凡, 当たり前, 普通, 通例, 通常
Natural lacking abnormalities or deficiencies
Synonyms: 当たり前, 自然, 自然

Meanings for each kanji in あたり前

» in front; before

Categories あたり前 is a member of

Condition a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing
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Stroke Order Diagrams for あたり前

Sample Sentences for あたり前

You cannot solve this problem in an ordinary way.
It's obvious but the connection between people is "words". It is by those words that thoughts are shared and arguments carried out.
At your age you ought to support yourself.
It's natural that she should get angry.
Of course you'll catch a cold if you fall asleep under the kotatsu. You have to learn to take care of yourself.

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