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Definition and Synonyms for 囲む
1. | 囲み | 何らかの目的のために囲まれた領域から成る構造 |
Enclosure | a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose | |
Synonyms: | 囲い, 囲う, 囲み, 囲む | |
2. | 囲み | 敵に対する重要性の若干の地域を孤立させる戦時措置 |
Encirclement | a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy | |
Synonyms: | 包囲, 囲み, 囲む, 封鎖 | |
3. | 囲み | 攻撃を続けながら、要塞化された場所を取り囲み、そこを孤立させるという軍隊の行動 |
Beleaguering | the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack | |
Synonyms: | 包囲, 囲み, 囲む, 攻囲, 軍事封鎖 | |
4. | 囲む | 要塞化するために防壁で囲む |
Surround | surround with a wall in order to fortify | |
Synonyms: | 囲む | |
5. | 廻る | 閉じ込める |
Hold In | close in | |
Synonyms: | くるむ, めぐる, 包む, 取り囲む, 取り巻く, 回る, 回る, 囲う, 囲む, 囲繞, 廻る | |
6. | 囲んでいる | 包囲する、閉じ込める、囲む |
Enveloping | surrounding and closing in on or hemming in | |
Synonyms: | 囲む | |
7. | 囲み込む | 同時に四方に広げる |
Environ | extend on all sides of simultaneously | |
Synonyms: | くるむ, めぐる, 包む, 包囲, 取り囲む, 取り巻く, 回る, 回る, 囲う, 囲む, 囲繞, 巻く, 廻る | |
8. | 囲む | まわりに円を形づくる |
Circle | form a circle around | |
Synonyms: | 囲む | |
9. | 囲む | 垣を巡らす |
Fence In | enclose with a fence | |
Synonyms: | 囲む | |
10. | 囲み込む | 取り囲む |
Environ | encircle | |
Synonyms: | くるむ, めぐる, 包む, 包囲, 取り囲む, 取り巻く, 回る, 回る, 囲う, 囲む, 囲繞, 巻く, 廻る | |
11. | 廻る | 暗闇は、彼を囲んだ |
Hold In | darkness enclosed him | |
Synonyms: | くるむ, めぐる, 包む, 取り囲む, 取り巻く, 回る, 回る, 囲う, 囲む, 囲繞, 廻る |
Meanings for each kanji in 囲む
» | 囲 | surround; besiege; store; paling; enclosure; encircle; preserve; keep |
Categories 囲む is a member of
1. | 形づくる | 形体または型を何かに与える |
Form | give shape or form to | |
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2. | 弓馬 | 軍の戦闘 |
Action | a military engagement | |
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3. | 囲み | 敵に対する重要性の若干の地域を孤立させる戦時措置 |
Encirclement | a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy | |
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4. | 防護 | 危険、けが、破壊または損害からの防御 |
Protect | shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage | |
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5. | 触れ合う | 直接の物理的接触がある |
Meet | be in direct physical contact with | |
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6. | 締め込む | ぐるりと取り巻く |
Inclose | surround completely | |
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7. | 保持 | 含むか、または保持する |
Bear | contain or hold | |
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8. | 区劃 | ある特定の特徴・機能を持つ構造の一部 |
Area | a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function | |
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Conjugations for 囲む
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 囲む
The word "house" evokes the mental image of a rectangular building with a roof and smoking chimney, which may be surrounded by grass and trees and inhabited by a happy family.
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