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Stroke Order Diagram for 重

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i adjective

Matched Conjugations:

Adjective stem

English Meaning(s) for 重

i adjective
  1. heavy; weighty
  2. heavy (feeling); depressed; gloomy; blue; uneasy
  3. slow; sluggish; lumbering; ponderous; clumsy
  4. important (position, responsibility, etc.); serious; grave
  5. serious (punishment, illness, etc.); severe; critical
  6. solid; established; dignified; sensible
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the adjective stem form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for 重

Dispirited filled with melancholy and despondency
Synonyms: グルーミー, うっとうしい, 憂鬱, 暗い, 暗鬱, 気無精, 気が重い, 気鬱, 沈痛, 沈鬱, 湿っぽい, 物憂げ, 重い, 重たい, 重苦しい, 陰気, 陰気くさい, 陰湿, 陰々滅々, 陰鬱
Corpulent excessively fat
Synonyms: でぶでぶ, 丸々と太った, 重い, 重め
Heavy sharply inclined
Synonyms: 重い
Heavy dense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal
Synonyms: ヘビー, ヘヴィ, 重い, 重たい
Heavy of comparatively great physical weight or density
Synonyms: ヘビー, ヘヴィ, 過重, 重い, 重たい, 重たげ
Weight an oppressive feeling of heavy force
Synonyms: 重い, 重さ
Importance the quality of being important and worthy of note
Synonyms: 重い, 重さ, 重み, 重大性, 重要, 重要度, 重要性
Heaviness persisting sadness
Synonyms: 重い, 重さ
Massive consisting of great mass
Synonyms: 重い
Weighty having relatively great weight
Synonyms: 重い
Heavy marked by great psychological weight
Synonyms: 重い, 重苦しい
Important of great significance or value
Synonyms: 主要, 大事, 大事, 大切, 大切り, 肝心, 要用, 重い, 重要
Serious of great consequence
Synonyms: おっきい, シリアス, 大きい, 深刻, 由々しい, 重い, 重たい, 重大
Important important in effect or meaning
Synonyms: おっきい, 主立つ, 主立った, 主要, 大事, 大事, 大切, 大切り, 意味ありげ, 意味深, 意味深い, 意味深長, 意義深い, 有意的, 有意義, 枢要, 肝心, 要用, 重い, 重たい, 重大, 重要
System Of Weights a system of units used to express the weight of something
Synonyms: 重い, 重さ
Weight the vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity
Synonyms: ウェイト, 掛け目, 斤目, 斤量, 目方, 荷重, 荷重, 重い, 重さ, 重み, 重量, 量目
Weight the relative importance granted to something
Synonyms: ウェイト, 重い, 重き, 重さ, 重み
Weightiness the property of being comparatively great in weight
Synonyms: 重い, 重さ
Massive containing a great quantity of matter
Synonyms: 重い
Weighty heavy
Synonyms: 重い
Heavy weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness
Synonyms: 重い, 重苦しい

Meanings for each kanji in 重

» heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold

Categories 重 is a member of

Weight the vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity
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Value the quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable
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Unhappiness emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being
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Physical Property any property used to characterize matter and energy and their interactions
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Importance the quality of being important and worthy of note
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Oppression a feeling of being oppressed
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Metric a system of related measures that facilitates the quantification of some particular characteristic
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 重

Conjugations for 重

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for 重

Because it seems to be heavy.
This racket is rather too heavy for me.
This bike is awful; it's too heavy.
The box was too heavy.
This box is a trifle too heavy.

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