Definition and Synonyms for 聞きたくなくて
1. | 問いただす | 尋ねる |
Inquire | inquire about | |
Synonyms: | ただす, 下問, 伺う, 借問, 問う, 問いかける, 問いただす, 問い合わす, 問い合わせる, 尋ねる, 聞く, 訊く, 質問 | |
2. | 聞く | 注意して聞く |
Listen | hear with intention | |
Synonyms: | 入る, 入る, 入れる, 聞く | |
3. | 聴す | 持たせる |
Grant | let have | |
Synonyms: | したためる, 与える, 付与, 受け入れる, 差し許す, 承認, 授ける, 聞く, 聞き入る, 聞き入れる, 聞き届ける, 聴許, 許す, 許可, 認める | |
4. | 心する | 細心の注意を充てる |
Heed | pay close attention to | |
Synonyms: | かまう, 介意, 心する, 留意, 聞く | |
5. | 聞く | 導く、または述べる |
Ask | direct or put | |
Synonyms: | 伺う, 問う, 尋ねる, 聞く, 質問 | |
6. | 問いただす | 質問を提示する |
Question | pose a question | |
Synonyms: | ただす, 伺う, 借問, 問う, 問いかける, 問いただす, 尋ねる, 聞く, 訊く, 質問, 質疑 | |
7. | 聞取 | 注意を払って聴く行為 |
Listening | the act of hearing attentively | |
Synonyms: | 聞き, 聞く, 聞き取り, 聞き取る, 聴取, 聴聞, 聴音 | |
8. | 訪う | 質問を記述して、答えを予測する |
Ask | address a question to and expect an answer from | |
Synonyms: | ただす, おとなう, 仰ぐ, 伺う, 問う, 尋ねる, 聞く, 請う, 質問, 頼む, 願う | |
9. | 臭う | 匂いを吸いこむ |
Smell | inhale the odor of | |
Synonyms: | 匂う, 嗅ぐ, 聞く | |
10. | 聞える | 聴覚の感覚を経て(音)に気づく |
Hear | perceive (sound) via the auditory sense | |
Synonyms: | 聞く, 聞ける, 聞こえる | |
11. | 聞く | 何かに対する答えを求める |
Ask | seek an answer to | |
Synonyms: | 伺う, 問う, 尋ねる, 聞く, 質問 | |
12. | 心する | 配慮をする |
Heed | give heed to | |
Synonyms: | かまう, 介意, 心する, 留意, 聞く | |
13. | 臭う | 嗅覚器官で知覚する |
Smell | perceive by the olfactory sense | |
Synonyms: | 匂う, 嗅ぐ, 聞く |
Meanings for each kanji in 聞きたくなくて
» | 聞 | hear; ask; listen |
Categories 聞きたくなくて is a member of
1. | コミュニケート | 考えか気持ちを伝える |
Communicate | transmit thoughts or feelings | |
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2. | 感じ | 感覚を経て何かに気づいていること |
Sensing | becoming aware of something via the senses | |
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3. | 呼掛ける | 話し掛ける |
Address | speak to | |
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4. | 訪う | 質問を記述して、答えを予測する |
Ask | address a question to and expect an answer from | |
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5. | 吐露 | 言葉や表現にする |
Give Voice | put into words or an expression | |
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6. | 見取る | 感覚を通じて気が付くようになる |
Perceive | to become aware of through the senses | |
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7. | 賦する | 具体的な何かの移動所有または誰かへの要約 |
Give | transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody | |
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8. | 随順 | 従順である |
Obey | be obedient to | |
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Conjugations for 聞きたくなくて
Intransitive pair for 聞きたくなくて
Alternate Written Forms:
English Meanings:
ichidan verb, intransitive verb- to be heard; to be audible
- to be said to be; to be reputed
Comments for 聞きたくなくて
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I would like to understand the difference between 聞く and 聴く. I'm not sure to understand it. Thank you.
The both mean to ask a question, but 問う is more formal. You wouldn't use it in a casual setting.
I would like to understand the difference between 聞く (kiku) and 問う (tō). I'm not sure to understand it. Thank you.
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聞く is more generic and you can use it in any situation when you are listening to something.
聴く is for when you are listening intently or engrossed in something. You most often seeing for when listening to music (音楽を聴く).
It's interesting to look at the radicals for the kanji in both of these:
聞く is made up of 耳 (ears) and 門 (gate), so it is anything that enters your ears, or to listen to something.
聴 is made up of the 耳 (ears) and 𢛳. Although 𢛳 isn't used in Japanese, it is related to the Kanji 直 with the meaning まっすぐ (directly). So it is to directly or intently listen to something.