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Definition and Synonyms for ごまかす
1. | 曲筆 | 切断または追加によって偽証する |
Distort | make false by mutilation or addition | |
Synonyms: | ひずむ, ごまかす, 偽る, 改ざん, ねじ曲げる, ひん曲げる, 曲げる, 曲筆, 歪む, 歪める, 歪曲 | |
2. | 欺騙 | 人を欺こうとした何か |
Hoax | something intended to deceive | |
Synonyms: | けれん, ぺてん, いかさま, ごまかし, ごまかす, やまかん, 偽計, 欺瞞, 欺詐, 欺騙, 瞞着, 詐取, 詐欺, 騙り, 騙る | |
3. | ごまかし | 何らかの方法で人をだます意図のある口頭の誤伝 |
Skulduggery | verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way | |
Synonyms: | ぺてん, ごまかし, ごまかす, 詐欺 | |
4. | 矯める | 故意に偽造する |
Falsify | falsify knowingly | |
Synonyms: | ごまかす, 偽る, 矯める | |
5. | 欺騙 | 誰かを欺くために(普通その人から金を取るために)たくらみを用いること |
Chicanery | the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them) | |
Synonyms: | ぺてん, いかさま, いかよう, ごまかし, ごまかす, やまかん, 枉惑, 権謀術数, 権謀術策, 欺瞞, 欺騙, 瞞着, 虚偽, 詐欺, 詭弁, 詭計 | |
6. | 化かす | 誰かに虚偽を信じさせる |
Betray | cause someone to believe an untruth | |
Synonyms: | かもる, いかさま, ごまかす, たばかる, だまかす, まやかす, インチキ, たぶらかす, だまくらかす, 乗す, 乗せる, 偽る, 化かす, 図る, 惑う, 惑わす, 惑わせる, 欺く, 欺瞞, 欺罔, 瞞着, 計る, 誑す, 賺す, たらし込む, 騙す, 騙る, 騙し込む | |
7. | まやかす | 詐欺または偽りを通して誰かを打ち倒す |
Cheat | defeat someone through trickery or deceit | |
Synonyms: | いかさま, ごまかす, だまかす, まやかす, だまくらかす, 偽る, 引っ掛ける, 欺瞞, 欺罔, 食う, 食わす, 食わせる, 騙す, 騙る | |
8. | ごまかす | いい加減に扱う、改ざんする、あるいは、偽る、通常こっそりまたは不正に |
Tamper | play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly | |
Synonyms: | ごまかす | |
9. | ごまかす | 非行、罪、または誤りを隠す |
Whitewash | cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error | |
Synonyms: | ごまかす | |
10. | ごまかす | 十分なお金を返さないことで、人をだます |
Short-Change | cheat someone by not returning him enough money | |
Synonyms: | ごまかす | |
11. | ごまかす | うそつきの振舞いに従事する |
Cheat | engage in deceitful behavior | |
Synonyms: | ごまかす | |
12. | 欺騙 | 紛らわしい虚偽 |
Deception | a misleading falsehood | |
Synonyms: | ぺてん, ごまかし, ごまかす, 欺く, 欺瞞, 欺騙, 瞞着, 虚偽, 虚説, 詐欺 | |
13. | 欺騙 | 有利に進めることを意図した故意の計略 |
Hoax | deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage | |
Synonyms: | けれん, ぺてん, いかさま, ごまかし, ごまかす, やまかん, 偽計, 欺瞞, 欺詐, 欺騙, 瞞着, 詐取, 詐欺, 騙り, 騙る | |
14. | ごまかす | 詐欺またはごまかしを実践する |
Cheat | practice trickery or fraud | |
Synonyms: | ごまかす | |
15. | 曲筆 | のメッセージまたは物語のような |
Distort | as of a message or story | |
Synonyms: | ひずむ, ごまかす, 偽る, 改ざん, ねじ曲げる, ひん曲げる, 曲げる, 曲筆, 歪む, 歪める, 歪曲 |
Categories ごまかす is a member of
1. | 欺騙 | 欺く行為 |
Deception | the act of deceiving | |
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2. | 欺騙 | 誰かを欺くために(普通その人から金を取るために)たくらみを用いること |
Chicanery | the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them) | |
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3. | 謀る | 間違ったかまぎらわしい情報を伝える |
Mislead | give false or misleading information to | |
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4. | 遣っつける | 競争、レース及び闘争で相手より上手くやる |
Trounce | come out better in a competition, race, or conflict | |
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5. | 取り扱う | 手に持って動かす |
Manipulate | hold something in one's hands and move it | |
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6. | 覆隠す | 見ることまたは知られることから隠す |
Cover Up | hide from view or knowledge | |
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7. | まやかす | 偽りにより奪う |
Short-Change | deprive of by deceit | |
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8. | まやかす | いんちきである |
Cozen | be false to | |
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9. | 欺騙 | 紛らわしい虚偽 |
Deception | a misleading falsehood | |
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10. | 虚偽の言明 | |
Falsity | a false statement | |
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11. | 間違って伝える | 間違いを表す |
Misrepresent | represent falsely | |
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12. | 逆転 | 反対に変わる |
Change By Reversal | change to the contrary | |
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Conjugations for ごまかす
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for ごまかす
They falsified the account balances to evade the tax.
This is your responsibility. It's not the kind of thing you can laugh off.
If he could pass for eighteen years old, he'd join the army.
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